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NSW LandXML - Point Data

Use the Point Properties/Extra option to add information about any point. (e.g. marks found, reference marks etc)
1. Select the point, display Point Properties, then press the 'Extra' button to display the Extra attributes shown in the table below.
2. You must set the attributes for each point.

Point Extra Attributes
Field Entry Comments
Purpose Mandatory - select from list Set by user
Type Mandatory - select from list Set by user
State Mandatory - select from list Set by user
Description Optional description Set by user
Origin Survey Plan which created the mark Set by user

Processing Steps
1. Initial Setup - Config File
2. Create the Plan heading Information
3. Integration Survey Marks
4. Point Data
5. Plan Data
6. Parcel Data
7. Editing Parcels and Lines
8. Occupations
9. Export to LandXML file